WRITTEN BY: Dr. Charlotte King
Conduit SA-008 is by far one of the most exciting discoveries we’ve made since the Conduit Project began, and the data it has provided on the nature of time has been illuminating. The conduit’s effects operate under a specific set of parameters (see Official Report SA-008) but the outcome of each trip through time is unpredictable, making it difficult to conduct controlled experiments. The potential to disrupt the existing flow of time also means that we must be exceedingly cautious when experimenting with this conduit.
Of the many tests performed on SA-008, the following have resulted in some notable insights:
TEST #13: SA-008 was affixed to the wrist of a mannequin, after which it changed its size to fit snugly on the wrist. The test operative then initiated the usual ritual while standing within 2 m. of the conduit. SA-008 activated its effects, transporting the mannequin and the test operative to the year 2005. The test operative used SA-008 an additional 12 times before returning himself and the mannequin to the original time the test was conducted +5 min.
TEST #57: The test operative used SA-008 a total of 6 times to travel to April 29th, 2009, when she knew she had attended a concert in Atlanta, GA. The purpose of this test was to observe what happened when the test operative met her past self. However, the test operative reported only being able to travel within 10 miles of her past self’s location; attempting to go further resulted in time freezing in her vicinity. The flow of time resumed when the test operative attempted to move further away from her past self’s location.
TEST #58: The same test operative from Test #57 repeated the experiment, using SA-008 a total of 22 times to travel to April 28th, 2009. This time, the purpose of the test was to disrupt her past self’s schedule so that she missed the concert, thereby changing the past. Remaining outside the 10 mile limit, the test operative tried to contact her past self and divert her attention to a feigned family emergency, but was unable to do so; any form of technology she used experienced catastrophic malfunctions.
TEST #76: The test operative used SA-008 to travel to a near future date (October 8th, 2024) and record the group of items currently residing in Test Chamber 13. The test operative then returned to the time of the original test +8 minutes, placed a radioactive isotope in Test Chamber 13, and used SA-008 to travel back into the future to observe any changes to the previous timeline. After 382 uses of SA-008, the test operative was unable to return to the future date visited previously, nor could he approach Test Chamber 13 in any visits to the future without experiencing the “time freeze” anomaly observed in Test #57.
TEST #104: The test operative attempted to use SA-008 to travel back to 1963 and prevent the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It is unknown what happened to the test operative, but 5 minutes after being used, SA-008 reappeared (without a wearer) in its original test chamber. Further post-test analysis of SA-008 revealed traces of the test operative’s blood on the wristband.
Conclusions and observations:
Every single test operative has used SA-008 to return to the original site of the test within a range of 5-20 min. after the test was conducted. No test operative has been able to return to a time shortly before the test was conducted (the closest time achieved was 5 years before the test date). This data, combined with the data from Tests #57 and #58, leads me to believe that SA-008 has built-in “paradox proofing.” Thus, the user can never meet their past or future self.
The timeline seems very resistant to change, to the point that any users of SA-008 attempting to enact large-scale timeline shifts seem to be vaporized, by either the conduit itself or some unknown outside force. It is possible our visits to the past have small ripple effects on the timeline, but overall, the timeline remains stubbornly consistent, and events have been observed to “correct” themselves when the influence of the test operative is removed.
There is still more testing to be done, of course, but the data as it stands now is both thrilling and, from a researcher’s point of view, utterly compelling. SA-008 is a gamechanger, and now that the intricacies of time are ours to study, I expect we will make some great strides in temporal technologies in the coming years.
– C. King