Yasmin Khara, Lead Cognitive Researcher
Special Cases Division
Federal Bureau of Investigations
This artifact was recovered from the abandoned Wickham Home for Wayward Boys (refer to Director Collins’s 8/24 memo for specific details) and resembles a typical kitchen knife. The carbon data analysis used to determine the knife’s age was inconclusive, but we know it was in use as far back as the 1920s.
The Wickham Knife exhibits the strongest psychic residue of any artifact we’ve seen to date. I can’t say for sure where this energy stems from, but its effects have been confirmed by all field agents from the artifact retrieval squad, even those without empathic tendencies. Further cognitive tests (conducted by both myself and Agent Hood) have resulted in extremely vivid hallucinations, which may shed some light on what happened in Wickham Home 80 years ago.
These hallucinations seem to be memories of the boys who lived in Wickham Home, particularly those who were tortured using the knife. While holding the artifact, we saw everything through their eyes, even feeling the pain when Emily used the knife to cut them. We were forced to abandon our tests when the wound memories manifested on our bodies in the present. Luckily, these wounds were shallow and only drew blood, rather than the strange dimensional energy Emily’s victims have been seen to bleed. The cuts healed within a matter of hours.
Personal opinion: I feel uncomfortable continuing to work with this artifact, both due to its ability to inflict physical pain and the traumatic visions that come with holding it. Emily Wickham was clearly mentally ill, and I can’t help but wonder if her violent delusions are responsible for the immense psychic residue in this artifact. Wickham Home itself doesn’t seem to be a Hotspot (based on Agent Clancy’s assessment), so all that energy had to come from somewhere. Again, this is mere speculation and should be treated as such, at least until we have more information to draw from.
I recommend that any further testing on the Wickham Knife be suspended, and the artifact contained indefinitely – for the sake of our cognitive researchers’ mental health, if nothing else.
– Yasmin Khara