From: nclancy@[REDACTED]
To: wcollins@[REDACTED]
Subject: Anomaly in San Francisco
Director -
We have a bit of a problem here in San Fran, and I was hoping to get your advice (and, most likely, your destruction protocol permissions) for an anomaly we’ve observed in the city.
For weeks now, civilians have been reporting sightings of a strange trolley, which looks identical to other trolleys in the public transit system but otherwise behaves irrationally. It’ll pop in and out of existence with no warning, it changes color, it makes ripples in reality as it passes, and anyone who boards it seems to be distorted or altered in really alarming ways. We’ve been doing our best to keep an eye on it but the damn thing is slippery. What’s worse, the greater public is slowly catching on to its existence, and I’m worried things are going to get messy if we can’t contain this soon.
There’s a local detective who seems a bit too invested in the trolley as well: Rina Chaudhary. I don’t know if she’s on our radar at all, but I’m keeping tabs on her while she’s poking around here. We could have some problems if she tries to interfere.
The biggest issue is that there are still technically civilians aboard the trolley. We don’t know if they’re still human, or if they retain any sentience in their altered states, but obviously the Division’s mission statement prevents us from endangering civilian life when dealing with anomalies. The longer this anomaly goes unchecked, though, the more its influence will spread, and it could tear San Francisco apart if we don’t do something. So I’m asking you to authorize Destruction Protocol Alpha on this one. I know it’s a big ask, so I’m happy to provide more intel if needed.
If not, let me know what course of action you’d like me to take.

Norman Clancy
Field Agent, Special Cases Division
Federal Bureau of Investigations